Golden leaves on the ground, Autumn whispers all around. Crisp air and skies so blue, Pumpkins smiling just for you.
Poetry – English versions

Buổi chiều Chủ Nhật ngồi đọc email, tình cờ thấy bài thơ “Anh Đã Ra Đi Rồi” của chị Kiều Mộng Hà. Nội dung bài thơ nói tới anh Hồ Công Tâm… Tôi hoảng hốt gọi điện thoại cho chị nhưng chị không bắt.
Tự nhủ khi trầm cảm. Self-talk in the middle of feeling depressed In the ebb and flow of feeling blue, A gentle reminder, this too shall pass through. The sun dips low, the night unfurls, But soon again, the daylight swirls.
Gentle raindrops fall from the sky, Upon rooftops and verdant branches high. Kingwood slumbers in the embrace of rain, Yet hearts remain warm, full of hope’s refrain.
Xin trân trọng giới thiệu cùng quý độc giả và văn thi hữu, thân hữu của trang nhà Thơ Văn Yên Sơn bản dịch tác phẩm Chinh Phụ Ngâm, (征婦吟 Lời than vãn của người phụ nữ có chồng đi đánh trận); còn có tên khác là Chinh Phụ Ngâm Khúc (征婦吟曲)
When spring arrives, the wildflow’rs start to grow, In woods and fields, and by the country lanes. In reds and yellows, see the vernal show, Inaugurated by the winter rain.
Translated by Hương Cau Cao Tân from the Vietnamese version on 18 December 2021, in British Columbia, Canada Konnichiwa Narita. Hello how are you Princess of the Sea It is full of dew when the airport welcomes me Drops of dew are drizzling like those of Liên Khương Airport previously
Forty years! Losing the country, the home, I feel alone like a waif; Not knowing how many friends are still alive or dead For all of us are scattering around the earth. Can anyone tell who wants to leave the motherland And will be buried in foreign sand? Forty years have drifted with the mass’ […]
TRƯỜNG CA CÁNH ĐỒNG HOA VÀNG Translated by Poet Phạm Doanh Like a Fairy Tale I walked down the platform in the windy afternoon Stay at an unplanned place Just a whimsical decision That feels like there’s something compelling In a place half a world away from my hometown
TRƯỜNG CA NGƯỜI EM MẠN BẮC Translated by Professor Trần Ngọc Dụng Crescent Moonlight Alight The Shoulder following the traffic signs and heading north where she lives; it’s way beyond the sight, and where the road is under shades of trees surrounding with colorful flowers, cheerful sound of birds, butterflies and bees.